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Discover Bourgogne !

Discover Bourgogne !

Bourgogne is not just a region, it’s also an experience. A wine-growing world to discover… Made up of 5 vineyards, it allows everyone to discover the world of wine through its Art de Vivre.

Let yourself be amazed by this Bourgogne Art de Vivre. Take the Bourgogne Wine Route and discover Bourgogne’s festivities and wine cellars.

Theaters, concerts, street art, gourmet walks, exhibitions… There’s something for everyone, from the most unusual events to the most solemn. There are around a hundred possible events, all in the Bourgogne spirit.


In Bourgogne there are not only events, but also numerous wineries and estates to discover. If you go to one or more of these caves, you’ll be able to meet a winemaker or negociant who can reveal the secrets of their wines.

For more information, take a look at the wine festivals and wine cellars guides

Come, taste, visit, enjoy, and tell us what you liked best.